Kuwait | Despite the sunny and stable weather now... heavy thunderstorms and a warning of torrential rain in the afternoon hours

2023-03-15 2023-03-15T06:28:52Z
هشام جمال
هشام جمال
مُحرر أخبار جوية

Weather of Arabia - During this time, sunny and stable weather prevails in Kuwait, and the atmosphere now suggests that the weather will remain stable, but expectations indicate the exact opposite, as the latest outputs of computer numerical models in the Arab Regional Weather Center indicate the emergence of a strong and rapid state of atmospheric instability with hours Wednesday afternoon and evening, resulting from the meeting of a very cold air mass in the upper layers of the atmosphere with a warm one in the layers of the atmosphere near the Earth's surface.

Where quantities of clouds multiply at different heights, and thunder showers of rain fall in many areas, starting from the western parts, extending towards the coastal cities, including the capital, Kuwait, and the showers are sometimes heavy and accompanied by the occurrence of strong thunderstorms and perhaps heavy showers of hail in geographical ranges Narrow, "at that time it is feared that torrents may form and the water level will rise in the roads, in many cities and neighborhoods, especially the low-lying ones."

During the night of Wednesday / Thursday, the frequency of instability decreases significantly, the amounts of clouds gradually decrease, and the weather tends to stabilize, especially with the late night hours.

God knows.

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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